Setting up my first blog has been an interesting experience. I chose to create my blog on WIX because I was familiar with the site, but it turns out that creating a blog is not similar to creating a website. It took me a while to figure out the blog format on WIX but I took it as a challenge. It did make me think of Dirksen's extraneous cognitive load (Dirksen, 2015, p.167) because initially, all my effort was spent on setting up the blog.

My introduction in Thinglink is posted below. I am taking EDUC 5405G because I want to learn about digital tools that I can use with adult learners. My intention is to create a lesson plan on Google Classroom. After this course, I would like to use Google Sites to host this information so that it is easily accessible to my colleagues at work. I am looking forward to learning about how to effectively incorporate digital technology in adult education.
Dirksen, J. (2015). Design for how people learn (2nd Ed.). Berkeley, CA: New Riders.